SPUDAA-NA stands for St. Paul University Dumaguete Alumni Association of North America. Our members are primarily 'Paulinians' — one who is or was a student at the university in Dumaguete City, Philippines, in particular. As a chapter, SPUDAA-NA membership extends to affiliates from the SPU System and associates, including spouses, family, and friends, who support our mission and volunteer and contribute towards our goals.
Supports the development and progress of SPU Dumaguete and surrounding communities through cultural, educational, humanitarian, and social activities
Our Mission & Goals
Seeking out other Paulinians and acknowledging the desire to establish strong bonds with our alma mater and its alumni association (SPUDAA), Paulinians from across the U.S.A. and Canada gathered at the Sheraton Hotel Research Triangle Park in Durham, NC, on October 27-29, 2006 to formally establish a nonprofit organization in North America. The event also coincided with St. Paul University Dumaguete's Founder's Day Celebration in the Philippines. The significance of the first formal gathering or "tapok-tapok" of Paulinians in North America was made more memorable by the fun and advisory presence of a popular Paulinian mentor, Sari Saavedra, who brought over our alma mater's congratulatory messages of support and wishes. In between sight-seeing tours and parties, were long hours of putting together our organizational vision and mission and goals which to this day bind us in support of our alma mater as an educational institution and as a vehicle for sustainable development, environmental advocacy, and community service.
We envision the "Paulinian Spirit in Action" — and that is a strong, effective and permanent Alumni Association that:
Promotes the “Paulinian Spirit” and enhances fellowship among its members
Recognizes the achievements of Paulinians, serves the needs of its members, and takes pride in sharing with others
Articulates the desire of its members to establish strong bonds with SPU Dumaguete and the SPU Dumaguete Alumni Association and its chapters
Our History
Contact Us
SPUDAA-NA Board of Directors
Kristina Zybel Roxas Reeves
Board Chair/President
Dolly de la Cruz Griggs
Board Vice-Chair/Vice President
Elizabeth Barrientos Mugar
Gloria Flores Millare, MD
Fund Development/Projects
Rosalinda Acupanda McGloin
[Website Administrator]
Herminia G. Flores
Lea Villanueva Castelli
Antonio Amor, MD
Fund Development/Events
Teresita Pinili Valencia. MD
Fund Development/Events
Suzette de Mira Foroozan
Past President/Projects
[Facebook Manager]
Rose Mila Cipres Jaucian, MD
Fund Development/Events
Rebecca Sison Reyes